The Aesthetic Meet


All faculty attending the meeting are required to register for the meeting.  Faculty, as with The Aesthetic Society Board of Directors and Education Commission members, who wish to attend the scientific sessions and social functions, must pay full registration fees. 
If you are only attending to present and do not plan on attending the remainder of the meeting and/or if you are unsure about your eligibility to register for the meeting, please contact Tiffany Weckerly at

ACCME Faculty Regulations

The Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), as our accrediting organization, requires all educational activities to be based upon measurable needs or deficiencies (“practice gaps”) in the physician’s practice.  As a moderator or presenter, the Aesthetic Society depends on you to help define these practice gaps as they relate to your panel topic.  We ask that you address the specific practice gaps presented by the panelists.  We require all panel content to be accurate, current, scientifically based and objectively presented.     
  • Disclosure: We require all presenters/instructors to disclose all relevant financial relationships or affiliations. Participation in educational programs will not be allowed without this disclosure.  Click here to complete your disclosure if you have not already done so.  All faculty are also required to verbally disclose your financial relationships or state Nothing to Disclose at the start of your presentation.
    • Log in to the Society Member portal
    • Click on Services dropdown near top right
    • Click on Conflict of Interest
  • Presentation Review: As an accredited organization of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), our accreditation is important as we strive to plan activities that meet the ACCME’s expectations and standards. Because we are responsible for ensuring that the content of our CME activities is presented with accurate, balanced, scientifically justified recommendations that serve the needs of patients and not the interest of industry, we will need to review all presentations prior to the meeting.   If you have not done so already, please send your presentation to Val Murchison at
  • Regulations for Presentation Slides: Click here to view regulations for educational slides.

Session Faculty: General Session, Non-Invasive Session, Business Side Session, Aesthetic Arena, Sunrise Sessions, Mini Symposia , Hot Topics and Rhinoplasty Symposium.

  • Upload presentation: All session presentations must be uploaded to our Speaker Ready site.  We encourage you to upload prior to arriving onsite in Austin.  Uploading your presentation early ensures that we can deliver a better audio-visual presentation for attendees and presenters.  The upload site will be open in January, you will be receiving instructions via email from at that time. 
  • Virtual Audience: The sessions you are presenting in are being live streamed to our remote audience as well as recorded for on-demand availability after the meeting.  Please note that the requirements for attendees to view the meeting online are the same requirements in place to attend the meeting in person.  You will be able to complete your recording permissions form once the upload site opens in January.
  • Speaker Ready: Listed below are the hours for the Speaker Ready hours onsite during the meeting.  Please be sure to visit the Speaker Ready room 24 hours before your presentation, even if you have already uploaded, to ensure your presentation is running correctly.

Speaker Ready Hours

Wednesday - 2:30pm – 6:30pm 
Thursday - 6:30am – 6:30pm  
Friday - 6:30am – 6:30pm  
Saturday - 6:30am – 6:30pm  
Sunday - 6:30am – 4:30pm 

Teaching Course Faculty

  • Please plan on arriving at your teaching course location at least 15 minutes before the start of your course to pull up your presentation and make sure you have everything you need.  A Society staff member and an audio-visual technician will be checking in with you before the start of the course to make sure you have everything you need.
  • Standard audio-visual set: Each room will be set up with a projector, screen, podium microphone and laptop.  Please bring your presentation on a thumb drive to plug into the laptop.  If you have requested any additional audio visual set up, we will do our best to accommodate your request. 
  • Set up confirmation: You will receive a final confirmation email a few weeks before the meeting with your course time, location and audio visual set up. 

Professional Conduct

  • Conduct toward other presenters and commentators shall be respectful and reflect the highest professional standards.
  • Frank and full discussion, which is encouraged, should include sound, logical presentation. Personal comments about colleagues, patients or members of the media are inappropriate whether made from the podium, the floor or privately to the media.
  • Patient confidentiality must be respected.
  • Media representatives are to be passive, not active, participants in the program. Media are not to be recognized for questions or comments from the floor.
  • Panel moderators and the session chairs have the prerogative to stop inappropriate discussions.

Contact Information

Program and Faculty Contact:
Tiffany Weckerly, CMP, DES
Director, Education and Programs

Abstracts Contact:
Val Murchison
Manager, Education and CME Compliance

ACCME Regulations Contact:
Val Murchison
Manager, Education and CME Compliance