1:00pm – 6:00pm

5 CME credits
Registration fee: $350
Timothy Marten, MD
Level: Comprehensive Organization: Didactic
This course will be a practical, clinically oriented, guide to planning and performing a SMAS facelift. Videotape presentations of key parts of the procedure will be made and the course will include a question-and-answer period.
Desired outcomes:
- Review the relevance of the SMAS and the importance of SMAS utilization in the modern facelift procedure
- Compare the strengths and weaknesses of the commonly advocated facelift techniques
- Discuss pre-operative analysis of the individual patient and the formulation of an appropriate surgical plan
- Discuss planning of incisions to minimize scars, hairline displacement and secondary deformities
- Discuss planning and the utilization of the SMAS and modification of the platysma
- Review clinically relevant anatomy important to surgical technique and avoiding complications
- Discuss treatment of the mid-face and review controversies in mid-face rejuvenation
- Discuss sequencing facelift with other procedures
- Discuss evaluation and treatment of the neck
- Review anesthesia considerations in facelift surgery
- Discuss patient safety issues in facelift surgery
- Discuss peri-operative care of the facelift patient