The Aesthetic Society Face = Rhino and Breast + Body Symposium

Great Networking, Visibility & Branding!

NEW: Online Banner Ads - $2,500 (rotates for one month!)
  ⯀ Your ad/link on the meeting website

Industry Supporter - Visibility Thursday, Friday, and Saturday!
Includes invitations to the private Faculty Dinner and more - $5,300
  ⯀ Includes visibility at the Welcome Reception
Thursday, September 5
Podium Time During the Main Educational Session – deliver a targeted message! - $5,000
Industry Sponsored Event - $4,000
Advisory Board Meeting or Focus Group - $3,500
Friday, September 6
Networking Break Sponsor - $3,000 - Great visibility
Industry Sponsored Event - $4,000
Advisory Board Meeting or Focus Group - $3,500
Saturday, September 7
Networking Break Sponsor - $3,000 – Great visibility!
Cocktails & Complications Session Sponsor – $3,500
  ⯀ ONLY sponsoring companies will be allowed to attend this session, mingle with doctors, and discuss your product(s)!
All sponsorships are exclusive and are designed to fit your company’s needs.
The Aesthetic Society provides the food and beverages for the receptions, dinner, and breaks (excluding
Industry Sponsored).
  ⯀ Excluding Industry Sponsored Events, Focus Groups, and Ad Board meetings.
Recognition and visibility are provided in email blasts, on the Symposium website, and on signage.
To learn more about these sponsorships and to reserve please contact:

Jackie S. Nunn
Senior Director, Industry Relations

*Subject to Change