The Aesthetic Meeting 2023 - April 19-23, 2023 - Miami Beach, FL
10:30am – 12:30pm
2-Hour Courses


501 Forehead Lift: Planning and Technique
Timothy Marten, MD
Level: Comprehensive Organization: Didactic
Objectives: Upon completion of this course participants should be able to plan and perform a forehead lift.

Description: This course will be a practical, clinically oriented, step-by-step guide to planning and performing a forehead lift. (Please note: The course will focus on forehead lift surgery only. Separate courses on facelift, neck lift and facial fat grafting are offered and interested learners are encouraged to enroll in them.)

Desired outcomes:

  • Review indications for open (coronal) forehead lift, closed (“endoscopic” and “limited incision”) forehead lift, hairline lowering forehead lift, supracillary eyebrow lift, and hybrid foreheadplasty techniques
  • Compare and contrast the strengths and weaknesses of the commonly advocated neck lift techniques.
  • Discuss pre-operative analysis of the individual patient and the formulation of an appropriate surgical plan for neck lift surgery.
  • Discuss planning of incisions to minimize scars, hairline displacement and secondary deformities.
  • Discuss forehead lift techniques for bald men or men with shaved heads
  • Review clinically relevant anatomy important to surgical technique and avoiding complications
  • Discuss sequencing forehead lift with other procedures
  • Review anesthesia considerations if forehead lift surgery
  • Discuss patient safety issues in forehead lift surgery
  • Discuss peri-operative care of the forehead lift patient