8:00am – 2:00pm
8:00am – 2:00pm
6 CME credits
Registration fee: $550
Karen Zupko, President, KarenZupko & Associates
Level: Advanced Organization: Workshop
Attendance at this course is highly recommended for experienced patient care counselors who may fall into “this is the way we’ve always done it” syndrome. New patient care coordinators will find that they leave with confidence and enthusiasm.
Desired outcomes:
- Objectively assess the effectiveness of your consultation flow and see how it might be improved
- Enhance your skills in guiding “prospects” to becoming scheduled patients
- Discuss how to implement a consultation fee successfully
- Recognize why measuring Patient Acceptance Rates (PAR) by procedure is so important
- Identify how to reduce “no shows” and enhancing scheduling effectiveness
- Acquire the ability to handle fee objections capably and confidently