The Aesthetic Meeting 2022 - April 20-24, 2022 - San Diego, CA
The Aesthetic Meeting 2022


8:00am – 1:00pm
S8 Rhinoplasty Symposium  
5 CME credits
Registration fee: $350
Co-Chairs: Jamil Ahmad, MD and Jay Calvert, MD
Level: Intermediate                             Organization: Didactic 
Desired Outcomes:
Come to the 2022 Rhinoplasty Symposium to find out.  With the program agenda now finalized, the Co-Chairs are convinced the Symposium will be the most exciting and educational half-day rhinoplasty learning opportunities to date.  This year will feature many of the leading educators from the pool of plastic surgeons and facial plastic surgeons Aesthetic Society members and guests have relied on for years to improve their rhinoplasty results. However, this year the Co-Chairs have included several newer surgeons, adding fresh perspectives and niche approaches to challenging problems in both primary and revision rhinoplasty.  The symposium’s talks will span the spectrum of basic to advanced concepts and techniques in a video rich format.  Thus, attendees of all Levels will return to their practices armed with something new to expand their Rhinoplasty Practice.  With each lecturer presenting content they selected, the 2022 Rhinoplasty Symposium is bound to unfold with passion and vigor thus imparting an indelible mark in the minds of all those present.

Co-sponsored by The Aesthetic Society and The Rhinoplasty Society

8:00am Welcoming Remarks Jamil Ahmad, MD and Jay Calvert, MD
  Opening the Nose  
8:05am Nasal Analysis Jamil Ahmad, MD
8:15am External Approach Oren Tepper, MD
8:25am Closed Subperichondrial Approach Dino Elyassnia, MD
8:35am Discussion  
  Bony Vault Management  
8:40am Reduction of the Nasal Bones Derek Steinbacher, MD
8:50am External Osteotomies Rod Rohrich, MD
9:00am Hybrid Osteotomies Ashkan Ghavami, MD
9:10am Piezotome in Rhinoplasty Laurence Berkowitz, MD
9:20am Discussion  
  Middle Vault  
9:35am Spreader Grafts Richard Zoumalan, MD
9:45am Spreader Flaps Jason Roostaeian, MD
9:55am Straightening the Middle Vault Ismail Kuran, MD
10:05am Discussion  
10:20am Coffee Break  
10:30am Septoplasty Sam Most, MD
10:40am Septal Reconstruction Jay Calvert, MD
10:50am Discussion  
  Tip Support  
11:05am Caudal Septal Extension Graft Ali Sajjadian, MD
11:15am Columellar Strut Graft versus Septal Extension Graft Jason Roostaeian, MD
11:25am Lateral Crural and Alar Support Sam Most, MD
11:35am Tip Grafts Joe Gryskiewicz, MD
11:45am Tip Suturing Rod Rohrich, MD
11:55am Discussion  
  Preservation Rhinoplasty Innovations  
12:10pm Full Dorsal Preservation Olivier Gerbault, MD
12:20pm Cartilage Preservation Dino Elyassnia, MD
12:30pm Tip Shaping and Alar Cartilage Preservation Aaron Kosins, MD
12:40pm Discussion  
1:00pm Adjourn