The Aesthetic Meet

11:30am – 4:00pm
S7A Foundations of Laser and Light-Based Devices
4.5 CME credits
Member Fee: $595
Non-Member Fee: $795
John Hoopman, CMLSO
Level: Comprehensive Organization: Didactic
Desired outcomes:
This educational program is designed for the health care provider utilizing medical laser technology in the care of his/her patient. The Foundations of Laser & Light program provides comprehensive base knowledge in laser physics and laser safety to physicians, nurses and other healthcare providers who utilize medical laser systems in the care of their patients. This program is structured to comply with the Training Programs / Certification and Credentialing recommended by ANSI Z136.3, 2018 “American National Standard for the Safe Use of Lasers in Health Care” Section 5.2.2 and 5.2.3. The goals of the Foundations program are to provide information regarding:

  • Various types of medical lasers
  • Laser physics, controlling tissue interactions and their clinical applications related to the use of lasers in healthcare
  • Laser safety issues and the health care provider
  • Regulatory and non-regulatory agencies and how they relate to the practice setting (hospital, surgery center, office-based surgery, mobile services) and health care provider