The Aesthetic Meet
2:00pm – 4:00pm
2-Hour Courses


103 Comprehensive Facial Rejuvenation Demystified- A Three Level Approach to a Customized Rejuvenation Approach 
Kiya Movassaghi, MD, DMD
Level: Comprehensive Organization: Didactic
Desired outcomes:
Identify the patient selection for each level of lifting:

  • Level 1 lift- Isolated neck lift- Recognize the different techniques and their indications
  • Level 2 lift- Lower face and neck lift
  • Level 3 lift- U-SMASectomy lift (USL)- midface and neck lift
  • Discuss adjunct procedures- fat injection, lower lid pinch blepharoplasty, different brow lifting techniques and how they are incorporated in the 3 levels of lifting